Thematic workshop "Water Resources Management" - CCDRA (Évora)


Thematic workshop "Water Resources Management" - CCDRA (Évora)

On April 13th, 2023, a workshop/thematic workshop was held in Évora on the theme "Water Resources Management", presenting the Alentejo Regional Adaptation Strategy to Climate Change and the Prospective Regional Diagnosis.

On April 13th, 2023, a workshop/thematic workshop was held in Évora on the theme "Water Resources Management", presenting the Alentejo Regional Adaptation Strategy to Climate Change and the Prospective Regional Diagnosis.

The objective of this workshop was the discussion between entities about their position regarding the theme Climate Change and Water Resources, aiming at the presentation of adaptation measures and subsequent brainstorming, culminating in interviews with the entities present or space to show their positions, which are considered as relevant to the successful implementation of the strategy.


Workshop program/schedule:

- 09:50-10:00 – Reception of Participants

- 10:00-10:15 – Institutional welcome, Introduction and Presentation of Attending Entities

- 10:15-10:35 – The Alentejo Regional Adaptation Strategy to Climate Change and Prospective Regional Diagnosis (in the thematic area of ​​the workshop)

- 10:35-10:45 – Adaptation Measures to Climate Change (Dr. Luís Dias, CE3C/FCUL)

- 10:45-12:15 – Discussion on Adaptation Measures to Climate Change in the Scope of Water Resources Management

- 12:15-12:30 – Discussion Summary

- 12:30-13:00 – Interviews with Attending Entities

- 13:00 – Closing of the Session


APA was represented by Daniel Vilão, from the Sustainable Finance and Adaptation Division (Climate Change Department), who participated in the workshop and who took the opportunity to underline, in parallel, the importance of the National Roadmap for Adaptation 2100 (RNA2100) as a project of great magnitude in the area of ​​Climate Change in Portugal, which brings together partners of great weight and recognition in the area. The importance of projects like this one was also underlined in the cohesion of the analysis of this problem and in the importance of an integrated vision of Climate Change, joining efforts between scientific vision and rigor and public and climate policies, for a convergent effort to increase resilience of Portugal, culminating in a joint effort to minimize the effects of Climate Change in a short, medium and long term commitment.